Discover the profound importance of this often-neglected system, learn how to nourish it, and understand the potential pitfalls when it isn't operating optimally.

Download Shivan Sarna’s free guide, Lymphatic Health: The Comprehensive Guide to Boosting Your Lymphatic System, now.




LIMITED TIME BONUS! The Lymphatic SOS & Rescue Summit (Normally $297)

July 26, 2024 at 10am EDT - July 27, 2024 at 10am EDT

Watch the Lymphatic SOS & Rescue Summit and discover how to support your lymphatic system and make breakthroughs in your healing!

Feeling toxic, heavy, tight, inflamed or swollen? The lymphatic system is often overlooked, but it’s a vital component to overall wellness and solving these uncomfortable conditions.

Did you know you have over 500 individual lymph nodes in your body? These lymph nodes function are critical for immune and overall health. Because they don’t have a pump like the heart to circulate lymph fluid they need to be managed and supported by lifestyle.



July 26, 2024 at 10am EDT - July 27, 2024 at 10am EDT

Chronic Condition Rescue | Shivan Sarna

“Loving the Lymphatic Summit! Amazing modalities that a lot of people do not know that have helped me in my healing journey. I use the products in my practice that she mentioned it in the interview.”


Chronic Condition Rescue | Shivan Sarna

“Shivan Sarna! Thank you so
much for such an informative and important new documentary: Lymphatic SOS & Rescue Summit! So much very useful and timely information. The quality of content and overall as always [is] superb! Needless to say, very grateful to you for everything you do for the community.”


Chronic Condition Rescue | Shivan Sarna

“Every MD and Nurse Practitioner should be required to watch this summit and be tested on it. As a layperson, some of the topics are going deeper than I need at this moment, but I will save for reference as I work with my doctor, so far really amazing information! Thank you for creating and sharing the summit!”


Are You Ready to Feel Better?

Beneath the surface of your skin lies a complex superhighway of nodes and channels that has a crucial role in your immune, hormonal, and gut health – your lymphatic system.

Comprising more than 500 distinct lymph nodes interconnected by an intricate network, and further linked to your bone marrow, thymus, spleen, and tonsils, it's essentially the gatekeeper to your immune system, actively participating in cancer detection and immune functions.

Despite its significance, the lymphatic system often remains overlooked or misinterpreted. When this system malfunctions or stagnates, it can lead to severe repercussions, including compromised immunity, autoimmune diseases, cancer, migraines, and more.

It's time we recognize the importance of our lymphatic system and the role it plays in maintaining our overall health. But who exactly needs our comprehensive guide?

Do any of these symptoms seem familiar to you?

  • Persistent Swelling: Do you frequently experience edema, or persistent swelling, especially in areas such as your legs, ankles, or hands? This could be due to an accumulation of excess fluid as a result of compromised lymphatic drainage.
  • Fatigue and Low Energy Levels: Are you constantly feeling tired, regardless of how much rest you get? Stagnant lymph might be impacting your energy levels. An ineffective lymphatic system can impede the removal of metabolic waste, toxins, and byproducts, leading to a decrease in cellular function and energy production.
  • Recurrent Infections: Do you seem to catch every cold that's going around, or frequently struggle with infections like sinusitis, urinary tract infections, or skin conditions? If your immune system isn't performing its best, stagnant lymph might be the culprit.
  • Brain Fog and Cognitive Issues: Have you noticed that you're having trouble concentrating, or perhaps you're forgetting things more often than before? These could be signs of poor lymphatic drainage impacting your brain health.
  • Digestive Issues: Are you often dealing with uncomfortable bloating, constipation, poor nutrient absorption, or other digestive issues? Stagnant lymph can interfere with digestive functions as it plays a key role in nutrient transportation and waste removal in your gastrointestinal tract.

If you identified with any of these symptoms, then our comprehensive guide on boosting your lymphatic system is exactly what you need. By understanding and nurturing your lymphatic system, you can significantly improve your health and wellness. Start your journey towards a healthier lymphatic system today!

In this guide you will receive: essential information, practical tips, and expert advice. By the time you finish reading, you'll have a solid understanding of the critical importance of your lymphatic system and how you can feel better now.


What is the Lymphatic System… and Why Should I Care About It?
Gain a thorough understanding of what the lymphatic system is, how it functions, and why it is crucial for your overall health and well-being.

Organs and Parts of the Lymphatic System
We'll take you on an in-depth tour of the various organs and parts that make up your lymphatic system, helping you comprehend how they all work together to maintain your health.

The Role of the Lymphatic System in the Body
Unravel the intricate roles of your lymphatic system in the body, from immune defense and fluid balance to nutrient absorption and waste removal.

Identifying Stagnant Lymph and Related Symptoms: Key Indicators of Lymphatic Dysfunction Discover the tell-tale signs of stagnant lymph and learn how to identify the symptoms of lymphatic dysfunction. Empower yourself with the knowledge to recognize when your lymphatic system may be struggling.

Common Symptoms of Stagnant Lymph
Understand the common symptoms associated with stagnant lymph, such as swelling, edema, recurring infections, cognitive issues, and more.

Types of Movement for Lymphatic Health
Learn about the best exercises and movements that can enhance your lymphatic health, stimulate lymph flow, and improve your body's detoxification process.

Supplements and Detoxification Tools
We'll talk you through the most effective supplements and detoxification tools that can support your lymphatic health, enhance lymph flow, and boost your immunity.

Take your health into your own hands and get started on your healing.

Get Instant Access to
Lymphatic Health: The Comprehensive Guide to Boosting Your Lymphatic System


This isn't just a guide—it's an empowering journey toward regaining your health and vitality. With the right knowledge and tools, you'll be on your way to a healthier lymphatic system, greater energy levels, and overall improved well-being.

You’ll also get a free pass to the next free screening of the Lymphatic SOS & Rescue Summit (normally $297). Don’t miss out on hearing this life-changing information. The summit will be airing free for a limited time.

This Website and all content are for educational purposes only and are NOT intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or psychological disorder. Always consult your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with your questions about any medical condition and before you start or begin using any diet, dietary supplement, herbal remedies, or other health program. By using our website and participating in our summits, offers, or trainings, you agree to our Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions of Use & Disclaimers.

© 2024 Chronic Condition Rescue