How Drainage Addresses Gut, Lymph and Hormone Health with Dr. Ginger Nash and your host Shivan Sarna
Dr. Nash has invited you to share what has changed how her patients get relief.
Get instant access to the Masterclass & the 2-hour Q&A recording here for...
Do you...
- have gut health issues?
- feel like you're tired all the time?
- know something is wrong – but don't know what it is?
- have hormone imbalances (these can affect men, too!)?
- feel like you're constantly inflamed?
Are you familiar with the terms h ?
No? That's okay. I wasn't either until I met Dr. Ginger Nash.
But once she explained these terms to me, I realized just how important they are for gut, lymph, and hormone health.
Here's the simple version...
Within our bodies we have a beautiful drainage & detoxification system that is interconnected with our organs and the space between our organs.
When this system is running inefficiently, it will lead to the above conditions, when you learn to manage it will help with your overall health.
Want to learn more? Join us !

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Here's everything you get when you join us for this Masterclass...
How Drainage Addresses Gut, Lymph and Hormone Health
with Dr. Ginger Nash
Instant On-Demand Access to the Masterclass
Downloadable Slide Presentation
Professional Downloadable, Searchable Transcripts
(Value: $59)
Balancing the Thyroid and Hormones for Men and Women SIBO Patients – A Masterclass with Dr. Robyn Kutka, ND (Value: $59)
Plus, you get these 2 BONUS Masterclasses...
Bonus #1: The Thyroid, MMC, SIBO Connection: What to Test and How To Treat It with Dr. Gary Weiner
You'll discover...
- How your thyroid levels impact your gut
- The difference between hyperthyroid and hypothyroid
- Studies on the thyroid and motility (gut movement)
- How treating your thyroid can also help your SIBO case.
- And more!
(Value: $59)
Bonus #2: Balancing the Thyroid and Hormones for Men and Women SIBO Patients with Dr. Robyn Kutka, ND
You'll discover...
- Beyond estrogen and testosterone: What men and women need to know about hormones
- The surprising connection between the thyroid and constipation, diarrhea, and bloating
- What’s better for testing hormones—blood tests or saliva tests?
- And more!
(Value: $59)
Want a sneak peek?
Here are some slides from the Masterclass…